parshios module

The parshios module has functions to find the weekly parasha.


>>> from pyluach import dates, parshios
>>> date = dates.HebrewDate(5781, 10, 5)
>>> parshios.getparsha(date)
>>> parshios.getparsha_string(date, hebrew=True)
>>> parshios.getparsha_string(dates.GregorianDate(2021, 3, 7), hebrew=True)
'ויקהל, פקודי'


The algorithm is based on Dr. Irv Bromberg’s, University of Toronto at

All English parsha names are transliterated into the American Ashkenazik pronunciation.


A list of the parshios transliterated into English.


list of str


A list of the parshios in Hebrew.


list of str

pyluach.parshios.getparsha(date, israel=False)[source]

Return the parsha for a given date.

Returns the parsha for the Shabbos on or following the given date.

  • date (BaseDate) – Any subclass of BaseDate. This date does not have to be a Shabbos.

  • israel (bool, optional) – True if you want the parsha according to the Israel schedule (with only one day of Yom Tov). Defaults to False.


A list of the numbers of the parshios for the Shabbos of the given date, beginning with 0 for Beraishis, or None if the Shabbos doesn’t have a parsha (i.e. it’s on Yom Tov).

Return type:

list of int or None

pyluach.parshios.getparsha_string(date, israel=False, hebrew=False)[source]

Return the parsha as a string for the given date.

This function wraps getparsha returning the parsha name.

  • date (BaseDate) – Any subclass of BaseDate. The date does not have to be a Shabbos.

  • israel (bool, optional) – True if you want the parsha according to the Israel schedule (with only one day of Yom Tov). Default is False.

  • hebrew (bool, optional) – True if you want the name of the parsha in Hebrew. Default is False.


The name of the parsha separated by a comma and space if it is a double parsha or None if there is no parsha that Shabbos (ie. it’s yom tov).

Return type:

str or None

pyluach.parshios.iterparshios(year, israel=False)[source]

Generate all the parshios in the year.

  • year (int) – The Hebrew year to get the parshios for.

  • israel (bool, optional) – True if you want the parsha according to the Israel schedule (with only one day of Yom Tov). Defaults to False


list of int or None – A list of the numbers of the parshios for the next Shabbos in the given year. Yields None for a Shabbos that doesn’t have its own parsha (i.e. it occurs on a yom tov).

pyluach.parshios.parshatable(year, israel=False)[source]

Return a table of all the Shabbosos in the year

  • year (int) – The Hebrew year to get the parshios for.

  • israel (bool, optional) – True if you want the parshios according to the Israel schedule (with only one day of Yom Tov). Defaults to False.


An ordered dictionary with the HebrewDate of each Shabbos as the key mapped to the parsha as a list of ints, or None for a Shabbos with no parsha.

Return type:
