Source code for pyluach.hebrewcal

"""The hebrewcal module contains Hebrew calendar related classes and functions.

It contains classes for representing a Hebrew year and month, functions
for getting the holiday or fast day for a given date, and classes adapting
:py:mod:`calendar` classes to render Hebrew calendars.

* :class:`Year`
* :class:`Month`
* :func:`to_hebrew_numeral`
* :class:`HebrewCalendar`
* :class:`HebrewHTMLCalendar`
* :class:`HebrewTextCalendar`
* :func:`fast_day`
* :func:`festival`
* :func:`holiday`
from numbers import Number
from itertools import repeat
import calendar

from pyluach.dates import HebrewDate
from pyluach import utils
from pyluach.gematria import _num_to_str

[docs]class IllegalMonthError(ValueError): """An exception for an illegal month. Subclasses ``ValueError`` to show a message for an invalid month number for the Hebrew calendar. Mimics :py:class:`calendar.IllegalMonthError`. Parameters ---------- month : int The invalid month number """ def __init__(self, month): self.month = month def __str__(self): return ( f'bad month number {self.month}; must be 1-12 or 13 in a leap year' )
[docs]class IllegalWeekdayError(ValueError): """An exception for an illegal weekday. Subclasses ``ValueError`` to show a message for an invalid weekday number. Mimics :py:class:`calendar.IllegalWeekdayError`. Parameters ---------- month : int The invalid month number """ def __init__(self, weekday): self.weekday = weekday def __str__(self): return ( f'bad weekday number {self.weekday}; ' f'must be 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday)' )
[docs]class Year: """A Year object represents a Hebrew calendar year. It provided the following operators: ===================== ================================================ Operation Result ===================== ================================================ year2 = year1 + int New ``Year`` ``int`` days after year1. year2 = year1 - int New ``Year`` ``int`` days before year1. int = year1 - year2 ``int`` equal to the absolute value of the difference between year2 and year1. bool = year1 == year2 True if year1 represents the same year as year2. bool = year1 > year2 True if year1 is later than year2. bool = year1 >= year2 True if year1 is later or equal to year2. bool = year1 < year2 True if year 1 earlier than year2. bool = year1 <= year2 True if year 1 earlier or equal to year 2. ===================== ================================================ Parameters ---------- year : int A Hebrew year. Attributes ---------- year : int The hebrew year. leap : bool True if the year is a leap year else false. """ def __init__(self, year): if year < 1: raise ValueError(f'Year {year} is before creation.') self.year = year self.leap = utils._is_leap(year) def __repr__(self): return f'Year({self.year})' def __len__(self): return utils._days_in_year(self.year) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Year): return self.year == other.year return NotImplemented def __add__(self, other): """Add int to year.""" try: return Year(self.year + other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented def __sub__(self, other): """Subtract int or Year from Year. If other is an int return a new Year other before original year. If other is a Year object, return delta of the two years as an int. """ if isinstance(other, Year): return abs(self.year - other.year) try: return Year(self.year - other) except TypeError: return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Year): return self.year > other.year return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Year): return self > other or self == other return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Year): return self.year < other.year return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Year): return self < other or self == other return NotImplemented def __iter__(self): """Yield integer for each month in year.""" yield from utils._monthslist(self.year)
[docs] def monthscount(self): """Return number of months in the year. Returns ------- int """ if self.leap: return 13 return 12
[docs] def itermonths(self): """Yield Month instance for each month of the year. Yields ------ :obj:`Month` The next month in the Hebrew calendar year as a ``Month`` instance beginning with Tishrei through Elul. """ for month in self: yield Month(self.year, month)
[docs] def iterdays(self): """Yield integer for each day of the year. Yields ------ :obj:`int` An integer beginning with 1 for the the next day of the year. """ for day in range(1, len(self) + 1): yield day
[docs] def iterdates(self): """Iterate through each Hebrew date of the year. Yields ------ :obj:`pyluach.dates.HebrewDate` The next date of the Hebrew calendar year starting with the first of Tishrei. """ for month in self.itermonths(): for day in month: yield HebrewDate(self.year, month.month, day)
[docs] @classmethod def from_date(cls, date): """Return Year object that given date occurs in. Parameters ---------- date : ~pyluach.dates.BaseDate Any subclass of ``BaseDate``. Returns ------- Year """ return cls(date.to_heb().year)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pydate(cls, pydate): """Return Year object from python date object. Parameters ---------- pydate : A python standard library date object Returns ------- Year The Hebrew year the given date occurs in """ return cls.from_date(HebrewDate.from_pydate(pydate))
[docs] def year_string(self, thousands=False): """Return year as a Hebrew string. Parameters ---------- thousands: bool, optional ``True`` to prefix the year with the thousands place. Default is ``False``. Examples -------- >>> year = Year(5781) >>> year.year_string() תשפ״א >>> year.year_string(True) ה׳תשפ״א """ return _num_to_str(self.year, thousands)
[docs]class Month: """A Month object represents a month of the Hebrew calendar. It provides the same operators as a `Year` object. Parameters ---------- year : int month : int The month as an integer starting with 7 for Tishrei through 13 if necessary for Adar Sheni and then 1-6 for Nissan - Elul. Attributes ---------- year : int The Hebrew year. month : int The month as an integer starting with 7 for Tishrei through 13 if necessary for Adar Sheni and then 1-6 for Nissan - Elul. """ def __init__(self, year, month): if year < 1: raise ValueError('Year must be >= 1.') self.year = year if month < 1 or month > 12 + utils._is_leap(self.year): raise IllegalMonthError(month) self.month = month def __repr__(self): return f'Month({self.year}, {self.month})' def __len__(self): return utils._month_length(self.year, self.month) def __iter__(self): for day in range(1, len(self) + 1): yield day def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Month): return (self.year == other.year and self.month == other.month) return NotImplemented def __add__(self, other): try: year, month = utils._add_months(self.year, self.month, other) return Month(year, month) except (AttributeError, TypeError): return NotImplemented def __sub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Number): year, month = utils._subtract_months(self.year, self.month, other) return Month(year, month) try: return abs(self._elapsed_months() - other._elapsed_months()) except AttributeError: return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Month): return ( self.year > other.year or ( self.year == other.year and self._month_number() > other._month_number() ) ) return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Month): return self > other or self == other return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Month): return ( self.year < other.year or ( self.year == other.year and self._month_number() < other._month_number() ) ) return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Month): return self < other or self == other return NotImplemented
[docs] @classmethod def from_date(cls, date): """Return Month object that given date occurs in. Parameters ---------- date : ~pyluach.dates.BaseDate Any subclass of ``BaseDate``. Returns ------- Month The Hebrew month the given date occurs in """ heb = date.to_heb() return Month(heb.year, heb.month)
[docs] @classmethod def from_pydate(cls, pydate): """Return Month object from python date object. Parameters ---------- pydate : A python standard library date object Returns ------- Month The Hebrew month the given date occurs in """ return cls.from_date(HebrewDate.from_pydate(pydate))
def _month_number(self): """Return month number 1-12 or 13, Tishrei - Elul.""" return list(Year(self.year)).index(self.month) + 1
[docs] def month_name(self, hebrew=False): """Return the name of the month. Replaces `name` attribute. Parameters ---------- hebrew : bool, optional `True` if the month name should be written with Hebrew letters and False to be transliterated into English using the Ashkenazic pronunciation. Default is `False`. Returns ------- str """ return utils._month_name(self.year, self.month, hebrew)
[docs] def month_string(self, thousands=False): """Return month and year in Hebrew. Parameters ---------- thousands : bool, optional ``True`` to prefix year with thousands place. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- str The month and year in Hebrew in the form ``f'{month} {year}'``. """ return f'{self.month_name(True)} {_num_to_str(self.year, thousands)}'
[docs] def starting_weekday(self): """Return first weekday of the month. Returns ------- int The weekday of the first day of the month starting with Sunday as 1 through Saturday as 7. """ return HebrewDate(self.year, self.month, 1).weekday()
def _elapsed_months(self): """Return number of months elapsed from beginning of calendar""" yearmonths = tuple(Year(self.year)) months_elapsed = ( utils._elapsed_months(self.year) + yearmonths.index(self.month) ) return months_elapsed
[docs] def iterdates(self): """Iterate through the Hebrew dates of the month. Yields ------ :obj:`pyluach.dates.HebrewDate` The next Hebrew date of the month. """ for day in self: yield HebrewDate(self.year, self.month, day)
[docs] def molad(self): """Return the month's molad. Returns ------- dict A dictionary in the form ``{weekday: int, hours: int, parts: int}`` Note ----- This method does not return the molad in the form that is traditionally announced in the shul. This is the molad in the form used to calculate the length of the year. See Also -------- molad_announcement: The molad as it is traditionally announced. """ months = self._elapsed_months() parts = 204 + months*793 hours = 5 + months*12 + parts//1080 days = 2 + months*29 + hours//24 weekday = days % 7 or 7 return {'weekday': weekday, 'hours': hours % 24, 'parts': parts % 1080}
[docs] def molad_announcement(self): """Return the month's molad in the announcement form. Returns a dictionary in the form that the molad is traditionally announced. The weekday is adjusted to change at midnight and the hour of the day and minutes are given as traditionally announced. Note that the hour is given as in a twenty four hour clock ie. 0 for 12:00 AM through 23 for 11:00 PM. Returns ------- dict A dictionary in the form:: { weekday: int, hour: int, minutes: int, parts: int } """ molad = self.molad() weekday = molad['weekday'] hour = 18 + molad['hours'] if hour < 24: if weekday != 1: weekday -= 1 else: weekday = 7 else: hour -= 24 minutes = molad['parts'] // 18 parts = molad['parts'] % 18 return { 'weekday': weekday, 'hour': hour, 'minutes': minutes, 'parts': parts }
def _to_pyweekday(weekday): if weekday == 1: return 6 return weekday - 2 def _year_and_month(month): return month.year, month.month
[docs]def to_hebrew_numeral(num, thousands=False, withgershayim=True): """Convert int to Hebrew numeral. Function useful in formatting Hebrew calendars. Parameters ---------- num : int The number to convert thousands : bool, optional True if the hebrew returned should include a letter for the thousands place ie. 'ה׳' for five thousand. Default is ``False``. withgershayim : bool, optional ``True`` to include a geresh after a single letter and double geresh before the last letter if there is more than one letter. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- str The Hebrew numeral representation of the number. """ return _num_to_str(num, thousands, withgershayim)
[docs]class HebrewCalendar(calendar.Calendar): """Calendar base class. This class extends the python library :py:class:`Calendar <calendar.Calendar>` class for the Hebrew calendar. The weekdays are 1 for Sunday through 7 for Shabbos. Parameters ---------- firstweekday : int, optional The weekday to start each week with. Default is ``1`` for Sunday. hebrewnumerals : bool, optional Default is ``True``, which shows the days of the month with Hebrew numerals. ``False`` shows the days of the month as a decimal number. hebrewweekdays : bool, optional ``True`` to show the weekday in Hebrew. Default is ``False``, which shows the weekday in English. hebrewmonths : bool, optional ``True`` to show the month name in Hebrew. Default is ``False``, which shows the month name transliterated into English. hebrewyear : bool, optional ``True`` to show the year in Hebrew numerals. Default is ``False``, which shows the year as a decimal number. Attributes ---------- hebrewnumerals : bool hebrewweekdays : bool hebrewmonths : bool hebrewyear : bool Note ---- All of the parameters other than `firstweekday` are not used in the ``HebrewCalendar`` base class. They're there for use in child classes. """ def __init__( self, firstweekday=1, hebrewnumerals=True, hebrewweekdays=False, hebrewmonths=False, hebrewyear=False ): if not 1 <= firstweekday <= 7: raise IllegalWeekdayError(firstweekday) self._firstweekday = firstweekday self._firstpyweekday = _to_pyweekday(firstweekday) self.hebrewnumerals = hebrewnumerals self.hebrewweekdays = hebrewweekdays self.hebrewmonths = hebrewmonths self.hebrewyear = hebrewyear @property def firstweekday(self): """Get and set the weekday the weeks should start with. Returns ------- int """ return self._firstweekday @firstweekday.setter def firstweekday(self, thefirstweekday): self._firstweekday = thefirstweekday self._firstpyweekday = _to_pyweekday(thefirstweekday)
[docs] def iterweekdays(self): """Return one week of weekday numbers. The numbers start with the configured first one. Yields ------ :obj:`int` The next weekday with 1-7 for Sunday - Shabbos. The iterator starts with the ``HebrewCalendar`` object's configured first weekday ie. if configured to start with Monday it will first yield `2` and end with `1`. """ for i in range(self.firstweekday, self.firstweekday + 7): yield i % 7 or 7
[docs] def itermonthdates(self, year, month): """Yield dates for one month. The iterator will always iterate through complete weeks, so it will yield dates outside the specified month. Parameters ---------- year : int month : int The Hebrew month starting with 1 for Nissan through 13 for Adar Sheni if necessary. Yields ------ :obj:`pyluach.dates.HebrewDate` The next Hebrew Date of the month starting with the first date of the week the first of the month falls in, and ending with the last date of the week that the last day of the month falls in. """ for y, m, d in self.itermonthdays3(year, month): yield HebrewDate(y, m, d)
[docs] def itermonthdays(self, year, month): """Like ``itermonthdates()`` but will yield day numbers. For days outside the specified month the day number is 0. Parameters ---------- year : int month : int Yields ------ :obj:`int` The day of the month or 0 if the date is before or after the month. """ currmonth = Month(year, month) day1 = _to_pyweekday(currmonth.starting_weekday()) ndays = len(currmonth) days_before = (day1 - self._firstpyweekday) % 7 yield from repeat(0, days_before) yield from range(1, ndays + 1) days_after = (self._firstpyweekday - day1 - ndays) % 7 yield from repeat(0, days_after)
[docs] def itermonthdays2(self, year, month): """Return iterator for the days and weekdays of the month. Parameters ---------- year : int month : int Yields ------ :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int` A tuple of ints in the form ``(day of month, weekday)``. """ for i, d in enumerate( self.itermonthdays(year, month), self.firstweekday ): yield d, i % 7 or 7
[docs] def itermonthdays3(self, year, month): """Return iterator for the year, month, and day of the month. Parameters ---------- year : int month : int Yields ------ :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int` A tuple of ints in the form ``(year, month, day)``. """ currmonth = Month(year, month) day1 = _to_pyweekday(currmonth.starting_weekday()) ndays = len(currmonth) days_before = (day1 - self._firstpyweekday) % 7 days_after = (self._firstpyweekday - day1 - ndays) % 7 try: prevmonth = currmonth - 1 except ValueError: prevmonth = currmonth y, m = _year_and_month(prevmonth) end = len(prevmonth) + 1 for d in range(end - days_before, end): yield y, m, d for d in range(1, ndays + 1): yield year, month, d y, m = _year_and_month(currmonth + 1) for d in range(1, days_after + 1): yield y, m, d
[docs] def itermonthdays4(self, year, month): """Return iterator for the year, month, day, and weekday Parameters ---------- year : int month : int Yields ------ :obj:`tuple` of :obj:`int` A tuple of ints in the form ``(year, month, day, weekday)``. """ for i, (y, m, d) in enumerate(self.itermonthdays3(year, month)): yield y, m, d, (self.firstweekday + i) % 7 or 7
[docs] def yeardatescalendar(self, year, width=3): """Return data of specified year ready for formatting. Parameters ---------- year : int width : int, optional The number of months per row. Default is 3. Returns ------ :obj:`list` of list of list of list of :obj:`pyluach.dates.HebrewDate` Returns a list of month rows. Each month row contains a list of up to `width` months. Each month contains either 5 or 6 weeks, and each week contains 7 days. Days are ``HebrewDate`` objects. """ months = [ self.monthdatescalendar(year, m) for m in Year(year) ] return [months[i:i+width] for i in range(0, len(months), width)]
[docs] def yeardays2calendar(self, year, width=3): """Return the data of the specified year ready for formatting. This method is similar to the ``yeardatescalendar`` except the entries in the week lists are ``(day number, weekday number)`` tuples. Parameters ---------- year : int width : int, optional The number of months per row. Default is 3. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of list of list of list of :obj:`tuple` Returns a list of month rows. Each month row contains a list of up to `width` months. Each month contains between 4 and 6 weeks, and each week contains 1-7 days. Days are tuples with the form ``(day number, weekday number)``. """ months = [ self.monthdays2calendar(year, m) for m in Year(year) ] return [months[i:i+width] for i in range(0, len(months), width)]
[docs] def yeardayscalendar(self, year, width=3): """Return the data of the specified year ready for formatting. This method is similar to the ``yeardatescalendar`` except the entries in the week lists are day numbers. Parameters ---------- year : int width : int, optional The number of months per row. Default is 3. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of list of list of list of :obj:`int` Returns a list of month rows. Each month row contains a list of up to `width` months. Each month contains either 5 or 6 weeks, and each week contains 1-7 days. Each day is the day of the month as an int. """ months = [ self.monthdayscalendar(year, m) for m in Year(year) ] return [months[i:i+width] for i in range(0, len(months), width)]
[docs] def monthdatescalendar(self, year, month): """Return matrix (list of lists) of dates for month's calendar. Each row represents a week; week entries are HebrewDate instances. Parameters ---------- year : int month : int Returns ------- :obj:`list` of list of :obj:`pyluach.dates.HebrewDate` List of weeks in the month containing 7 ``HebrewDate`` instances each. """ return super().monthdatescalendar(year, month)
[docs]class HebrewHTMLCalendar(HebrewCalendar, calendar.HTMLCalendar): """Class to generate html calendars . Adapts :py:class:`calendar.HTMLCalendar` for the Hebrew calendar. Parameters ---------- firstweekday : int, optional The weekday to start each week with. Default is ``1`` for Sunday. hebrewnumerals : bool, optional Default is ``True``, which shows the days of the month with Hebrew numerals. ``False`` shows the days of the month as a decimal number. hebrewweekdays : bool, optional ``True`` to show the weekday in Hebrew. Default is ``False``, which shows the weekday in English. hebrewmonths : bool, optional ``True`` to show the month name in Hebrew. Default is ``False``, which shows the month name transliterated into English. hebrewyear : bool, optional ``True`` to show the year in Hebrew numerals. Default is ``False``, which shows the year as a decimal number. rtl : bool, optional ``True`` to arrange the months and the days of the month from right to left. Default is ``False``. Attributes ---------- hebrewnumerals : bool hebrewweekdays : bool hebrewmonths : bool hebrewyear : bool rtl : bool """ def __init__( self, firstweekday=1, hebrewnumerals=True, hebrewweekdays=False, hebrewmonths=False, hebrewyear=False, rtl=False ): self.rtl = rtl super().__init__( firstweekday, hebrewnumerals, hebrewweekdays, hebrewmonths, hebrewyear ) def _rtl_str(self): if self.rtl: return ' dir="rtl"' return ''
[docs] def formatday(self, day, weekday): """Return a day as an html table cell. Parameters ---------- day : int The day of the month or zero for a day outside the month. weekday : int The weekday with 1 as Sunday through 7 as Shabbos. Returns ------- str """ pyweekday = _to_pyweekday(weekday) if day == 0: return f'<td class="{self.cssclass_noday}">&nbsp;</td>' if self.hebrewnumerals: day = to_hebrew_numeral(day, withgershayim=False) return f'<td class="{self.cssclasses[pyweekday]}">{day}</td>'
[docs] def formatweekday(self, day): """Return a weekday name as an html table header. Parameters ---------- day : int The day of the week 1-7 with Sunday as 1 and Shabbos as 7. Returns ------- str """ pyday = _to_pyweekday(day) if self.hebrewweekdays: dayname = utils.WEEKDAYS[day][:3] else: dayname = calendar.day_abbr[pyday] return ( f'<th class="{self.cssclasses_weekday_head[pyday]}">{dayname}</th>' )
[docs] def formatyearnumber(self, theyear): """Return a formatted year. Parameters ---------- theyear : int Returns ------- int or str If ``self.hebrewyear`` is ``True`` return the year as a Hebrew numeral, else return `theyear` as is. """ if self.hebrewyear: return to_hebrew_numeral(theyear) return theyear
[docs] def formatmonthname(self, theyear, themonth, withyear=True): """Return month name as an html table row. Parameters ---------- theyear : int themonth : int The month as an int 1-12 Nissan - Adar and 13 if leap year. withyear : bool, optional ``True`` to append the year to the month name. Default is ``True``. Return ------ str """ s = Month(theyear, themonth).month_name(self.hebrewmonths) if withyear: s = f'{s} {self.formatyearnumber(theyear)}' return ( f'<tr><th colspan="7" class="{self.cssclass_month_head}">' f'{s}</th></tr>' )
[docs] def formatmonth(self, theyear, themonth, withyear=True): """Return a formatted month as an html table. Parameters ---------- theyear : int themonth : int withyear : bool, optional ``True`` to have the year appended to the month name. Default is ``True``. Returns ------- str """ v = [] a = v.append a( '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"' f'class="{self.cssclass_month}"{self._rtl_str()}>' ) a('\n') a(self.formatmonthname(theyear, themonth, withyear=withyear)) a('\n') a(self.formatweekheader()) a('\n') for week in self.monthdays2calendar(theyear, themonth): a(self.formatweek(week)) a('\n') a('</table>') a('\n') return ''.join(v)
[docs] def formatyear(self, theyear, width=3): """Return a formatted year as an html table. Parameters ---------- theyear : int width : int, optional The number of months to display per row. Default is 3. Returns ------- str """ year = Year(theyear) monthscount = year.monthscount() yearmonths = list(year) v = [] a = v.append width = max(width, 1) a( '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"' f'class="{self.cssclass_year}"{self._rtl_str()}>' ) a('\n') a( f'<tr><th colspan="{width}" class="{self.cssclass_year_head}">' f'{self.formatyearnumber(theyear)}</th></tr>' ) for i in range(1, monthscount + 1, width): # months in this row months = range(i, min(i+width, monthscount + 1)) a('<tr>') for m in months: a('<td>') a(self.formatmonth( theyear, yearmonths[m-1], withyear=False )) a('</td>') a('</tr>') a('</table>') return ''.join(v)
[docs]class HebrewTextCalendar(HebrewCalendar, calendar.TextCalendar): """Subclass of HebrewCalendar that outputs a plaintext calendar. ``HebrewTextCalendar`` adapts :py:class:`calendar.TextCalendar` for the Hebrew calendar. Parameters ---------- firstweekday : int, optional The weekday to start each week with. Default is ``1`` for Sunday. hebrewnumerals : bool, optional Default is ``True``, which shows the days of the month with Hebrew numerals. ``False`` shows the days of the month as a decimal number. hebrewweekdays : bool, optional ``True`` to show the weekday in Hebrew. Default is ``False``, which shows the weekday in English. hebrewmonths : bool, optional ``True`` to show the month name in Hebrew. Default is ``False``, which shows the month name transliterated into English. hebrewyear : bool, optional ``True`` to show the year in Hebrew numerals. Default is ``False``, which shows the year as a decimal number. Attributes ---------- hebrewnumerals : bool hebrewweekdays : bool hebrewmonths : bool hebrewyear : bool Note ---- This class generates plain text calendars. Any program that adds any formatting may misrender the calendars especially when using any Hebrew characters. """
[docs] def formatday(self, day, weekday, width): """Return a formatted day. Extends calendar.TextCalendar formatday method. Parameters ---------- day : int The day of the month. weekday : int The weekday 1-7 Sunday-Shabbos. width : int The width of the day column. Returns ------- str """ if self.hebrewnumerals: if day == 0: s = '' else: s = f'{to_hebrew_numeral(day, withgershayim=False):>2}' return return super().formatday(day, weekday, width)
[docs] def formatweekday(self, day, width): """Return formatted weekday. Extends calendar.TextCalendar formatweekday method. Parameters ---------- day : int The weekday 1-7 Sunday-Shabbos. width : int The width of the day column. Returns ------- str """ if self.hebrewweekdays: if width < 5: name = to_hebrew_numeral(day) else: name = utils.WEEKDAYS[day] return name[:width].center(width) return super().formatweekday(_to_pyweekday(day), width)
[docs] def formatmonthname( self, theyear, themonth, width=0, withyear=True ): """Return formatted month name. Parameters ---------- theyear : int themonth : int 1-12 or 13 for Nissan-Adar Sheni width : int, optional The number of columns per day. Default is 0 withyear : bool, optional Default is ``True`` to include the year with the month name. Returns ------- str """ s = Month(theyear, themonth).month_name(self.hebrewmonths) if withyear: if self.hebrewyear: year = to_hebrew_numeral(theyear) else: year = theyear s = f'{s} {year}' return
[docs] def formatyear(self, theyear, w=2, l=1, c=6, m=3): # noqa: E741 """Return a year's calendar as a multi-line string. Parameters ---------- theyear : int w : int, optional The date column width. Default is 2 l : int, optional The number of lines per week. Default is 1. c : int, optional The number of columns in between each month. Default is 6 m : int, optional The number of months per row. Default is 3. Returns ------- str """ w = max(2, w) l = max(1, l) # noqa: E741 c = max(2, c) colwidth = (w + 1) * 7 - 1 v = [] a = v.append a(repr(theyear).center(colwidth*m+c*(m-1)).rstrip()) a('\n'*l) header = self.formatweekheader(w) yearmonths = list(Year(theyear)) for (i, row) in enumerate(self.yeardays2calendar(theyear, m)): # months in this row months = range(m*i+1, min(m*(i+1)+1, len(yearmonths)+1)) a('\n'*l) names = ( self.formatmonthname(theyear, yearmonths[k-1], colwidth, False) for k in months ) a(calendar.formatstring(names, colwidth, c).rstrip()) a('\n'*l) headers = (header for k in months) a(calendar.formatstring(headers, colwidth, c).rstrip()) a('\n'*l) # max number of weeks for this row height = max(len(cal) for cal in row) for j in range(height): weeks = [] for cal in row: if j >= len(cal): weeks.append('') else: weeks.append(self.formatweek(cal[j], w)) a(calendar.formatstring(weeks, colwidth, c).rstrip()) a('\n' * l) return ''.join(v)
[docs]def fast_day(date, hebrew=False): """Return name of fast day or None. Parameters ---------- date : ~pyluach.dates.BaseDate Any date instance from a subclass of ``BaseDate`` can be used. hebrew : bool, optional ``True`` if you want the fast_day name in Hebrew letters. Default is ``False``, which returns the name transliterated into English. Returns ------- str or None The name of the fast day or ``None`` if the given date is not a fast day. """ return date.fast_day(hebrew)
[docs]def festival( date, israel=False, hebrew=False, include_working_days=True, prefix_day=False ): """Return Jewish festival of given day. This method will return all major and minor religous Jewish holidays not including fast days. Parameters ---------- date : ~pyluach.dates.BaseDate Any subclass of ``BaseDate`` can be used. israel : bool, optional ``True`` if you want the festivals according to the Israel schedule. Defaults to ``False``. hebrew : bool, optional ``True`` if you want the festival name in Hebrew letters. Default is ``False``, which returns the name transliterated into English. include_working_days : bool, optional ``True`` to include festival days on which melacha (work) is allowed; ie. Pesach Sheni, Chol Hamoed, etc. Default is ``True``. prefix_day : bool, optional ``True`` to prefix multi day festivals with the day of the festival. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- str or None The name of the festival or ``None`` if the given date is not a Jewish festival. Examples -------- >>> from pyluach.dates import HebrewDate pesach = HebrewDate(2023, 1, 15) >>> festival(pesach, prefix_day=True) '1 Pesach' >>> festival(pesach, hebrew=True, prefix_day=True) 'א׳ פסח' >>> shavuos = HebrewDate(5783, 3, 6) >>> festival(shavuos, israel=True, prefix_day=True) 'Shavuos' """ return date.festival(israel, hebrew, include_working_days, prefix_day)
[docs]def holiday(date, israel=False, hebrew=False, prefix_day=False): """Return Jewish holiday of given date. The holidays include the major and minor religious Jewish holidays including fast days. Parameters ---------- date : pyluach.dates.BaseDate Any subclass of ``BaseDate`` can be used. israel : bool, optional ``True`` if you want the holidays according to the israel schedule. Default is ``False``. hebrew : bool, optional ``True`` if you want the holiday name in Hebrew letters. Default is ``False``, which returns the name transliterated into English. prefix_day : bool, optional ``True`` to prefix multi day holidays with the day of the holiday. Default is ``False``. Returns ------- str or None The name of the holiday or ``None`` if the given date is not a Jewish holiday. Examples -------- >>> from pyluach.dates import HebrewDate >>> pesach = HebrewDate(2023, 1, 15) >>> holiday(pesach, prefix_day=True) '1 Pesach' >>> holiday(pesach, hebrew=True, prefix_day=True) 'א׳ פסח' >>> taanis_esther = HebrewDate(5783, 12, 13) >>> holiday(taanis_esther, prefix_day=True) 'Taanis Esther' """ return, hebrew, prefix_day)